The Benefits of a Single Page App to Specialized Teams

Although single page apps are not a new concept in 2014, the gaining popularity of single page apps is indeed a very good thing for web development and server architectures in general as it modularizes the the UI from the application layer, ultimately making these layers truly interchangeable with one another. This is especially important for sites that want to have a native mobile app, as the application layer can be designed to provide the data for both the web client and the mobile client without inter-dependencies. 

Besides the architectural benefits, the modularity of the layers can greatly benefit a specialized team. On my current project which is written in AngularJS for the web UI, and Play Framework for the application layer, I needed to bring in a Designer/UX guy in for some extra work. He did not have any application or back-end experience so I didn't want to burden him with all that extra stuff. Luckily, I had already separated my application and UI layers, all I had to do is take one repository that encompassed both layers and break them into 2 separate repositories one for the application server and the other for UI. In Play this looks at the following:

Anyone familiar with Play will know the app, conf, logs, models, project, target, and test are default Play directories, what's different here is now we have a new directory called ui. The ui directory consist all the HTML/CSS and JavaScript sources needed to run the AngularJS UI web app. Here's its contents:

For me all I had to do was create a new git repository from this ui directory (even leaving my IDE project layout as) it and with it I could just give access to the UI resources to my UX guy, leaving the application source out of it.

But what about running the UI? Yes this was the second part of the problem. Again, I didn't want to over-complicate it and have him run his own server and database, etc. I felt it was easier if he could just use a server that I made public for him. I first considered proxying, but eventually started looking into CORS and actually started down that development path. I quickly realized it wasn't really worth the work yet and CORS really doesn't benefit my project short term, also it can open up some security holes I just did not have the resources to deal with at the time. After my CORS attempt I went back to thinking about proxy solution.

Luckily, I found a simple solution via npm module called json-proxy (a bit of a misnomer because it can and needs to proxy all web resources as well). The json-proxy allows one to specify 2 sources, 1) a web resource and 2) a json resource, and by specifying a local server address combines these two sources into a fully functioning application. 

In my case it looked something like this:

json-proxy -p 8080 -f "/api=http://yourdomainname" -f "/=http://localhost:9000"

What this does is it pulls http://yourdomainname/api section of a request from your application layer, where as any catch all root request specified by / is routed to you local UI server (assuming you are running a web server with the UI resources), and then binds a local address 8080 for you to use. What happens here is any request running through you local unified 8080 server is routed to the appropriate source based on its URL, if the url contains an /api it gets routed to hosted server, whereas everything else via / is routed locally to his development environment. As long as my UX guy has the UI source and then runs a web server for it, he will have a fully functioning application, without the worry of running or maintaining the application server!

Again this is nothing really new in the grand scheme, but it's a really useful and productive benefit of single page apps as well as reaffirms the benefits of trying to achieve separation of concerns on a architectural level.


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